
Winterbourne Stoke Events Committee Special General Meeting – Notes

A meeting of the Winterbourne Stoke Events Committee was held on Thursday 19th November via Zoom.


Mr J Carr
Mrs A Carr
Mrs H Compton
Mr A Pywell
Mrs T Pywell
Mrs O Dutton


Dr A Shuttleworth
Dr H Shuttleworth
Mrs D Montagu-Pollock
Mrs S Holtby

The meeting started at 7:35pm.

Proposal 1: To wind up the Winterbourne Stoke Events Committee due to inactivity and the inability of villagers to access the assets for community benefit.

This proposal was agreed unanimously.

Proposal 2: To transfer the assets of the Winterbourne Stoke Events Committee to the Winterbourne Stoke Village Preservation Society to be used for the benefit of the village.

This proposal was agreed unanimously.

The meeting closed at 7:45pm.

Winterbourne Stoke Parish Council