
A303 Community Forum: 1st May 2024

Please see the presentation vu-graphs used at the A303 Community Forum held at the High Post on 1st May 2024 attached here: A303 Stonehenge – Community Forum Presentation 1 May A303 Stonehenge – Community Forum Notes 1 May (1)

If you attended any of the National Highways events at the end of April and the beginning of May you will already be aware of much of the content of the meeting.  What you won’t have seen and is worth a look at are some photographs of the work being undertaken on the A360 for Scottish and Southern Electricity.  Worth a look.

There are some draft notes from the meeting here: A303 Stonehenge – Community Forum Notes 1 May (1)

Unfortunately, they contain several important errors of fact that National Highways has been asked to correct.  This document will be replaced when these have been amended.

It is important to note, that National Highways have not and will not initiate any of the work, or advanced work, covered by the Development Consent Order (DCO) for the A303 Stonehenge to Berwick Down Scheme until the key legal obstacles are resolved.  The A360 work falls outside the DCO and is not covered by the legal cases currently in train.

Until the legal cases are resolved and a go-ahead is given for the scheme, the Community Forum is not going to be able to deal with any substantive issues.  At that point, the more involvement from the village, in the shape of the Parish Council, the Village Preservation Society and individuals, the better.  Please note that there were previously separate fora for the business and farming communities and we are trying to establish if those are still running or have fallen by the wayside.


Winterbourne Stoke Parish Council