
Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) Presentation 9th July 2017

Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) South Wiltshire has, in the past, held an AGM and talk each year.

This year we are getting rid of the boring AGM bit (which even our members were not particularly interested in!) and are holding instead an) Annual Presentation entitled:

Stonehenge – Is there light at the end of the tunnel?

This will consist of a presentation, with slides, by 2 people closely connected with Stonehenge followed by a discussion.

As the potential developments around Stonehenge will undoubtedly have wider repercussions than just the World Heritage Site, I attach an Invitation to the meeting which some of your committee, and perhaps your parishioners, might be interested in.

The meeting itself is FREE and if you would like to partake of the cold buffet and drinks afterwards it will cost £8 per head.

All relevant details are on the Invitation and we’d love to see some of you there.

The Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) South Wiltshire has, in the past, held an AGM and talk each year.

This year we are getting rid of the boring AGM bit (which even our members were not particularly interested in!) and are holding instead an Annual Presentation entitled:

Stonehenge – Is there light at the end of the tunnel?

This will consist of a presentation, with slides, by 2 people closely connected with Stonehenge followed by a discussion.

As the potential developments around Stonehenge will undoubtedly have wider repercussions than just the World Heritage Site, I attach an Invitation to the meeting which some of your committee, and perhaps your parishioners, might be interested in.

The meeting itself is FREE and if you would like to partake of the cold buffet and drinks afterwards it will cost £8 per head.

All relevant details are on the Invitation and we’d love to see some of you there.

Do come along and find out what’s going on, ask your questions, and have your say!!

AGM2017 Invitation (with Xfer details)

Winterbourne Stoke Parish Council