
URGENT: Email Malware On the Loose

It seems that a few villagers have fallen prey to an email malware attack.  If you receive an email, seemingly from someone you know (from within, or outside the village) and it has similar content to the one below, delete it.

Joe Bloggs

Reply to: J BLOGGS

Horrible Trip..Help Needed !

How are you doing?. I’m in terrible condition right now and i really need help. Let me know if you can help out of this bitter experience.



Please note that my new email address –  This email will stop in due course!

Now read the email again, but carefully this time.   Does it use the sort of language you would expect from your friend Joe?  Are the words the sort of words they would use?  Is the use of capitals correct?  Is the punctuation the sort they would normally use?  Does the “new” email address look correct – think very hard!

In this case, the email address is the give-away.  It might be subtly wrong, as here, by having an extra “s” in Bloggs, or it might be very different:

What’s going on here is a bit of social engineering.  The crooks want you to accept the new email address  as being Joe’s new one and for you to add it to your address book.   Very soon, you will like as not get a very personal email from “Joe” asking you for money, or some personal information which could be used to target YOU!

Ideally, try and spot this type of email from the preview and don’t open it in the first place.  Delete it straight away and call the person from whom you seem to have received it – they may not be aware and it’s possible that the email comes from a third party anyway.   If you don’t have up-to-date anti-malware running on your computer, you might want to think again. That said, your best defence is often being alert!

Winterbourne Stoke Parish Council